Room 15 Assembly

Rrrrinnnng the bell rang. Yay time for my first class assembly this year. I was so excited that I felt like a jumping jelly bean. I always feel like that every time I am excited. As I walked into the huge hall my heart raced like a small red car was racing. A few minutes later students started walking in and at the end of the hall was my mum, she had big bright smile on her face. She always makes me confident. About 15 to 20 minutes later it was my turn. "Ok I can do this", I said in my head so nobody could hear. "Then to make them stand out we traced the shape of our hand and coloured it in using our favourite colours or even symbols that represent who we are", I said letting all my confidence out into my words. After that I felt calm and happy that I said it without mucking it up. 


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